7 Reasons Staging Your Home Eliminates Price Negotiation
Are you worried that the location of your home on a busy highway will be a turn-off to home buyers when selling your home? Afraid you won’t get your listing price? Did you know that staging your home can help you eliminate price negotiation? Here’s why…
1. Staging Your Home Creates a Lifestyle in the Buyer’s Mind
A recent study done by the National Association of Realtors showed that only 19% of buyers can envision themselves living in a home that is vacant when they first see it. Because this is such a big investment, home buyers want to ensure they will realize a comfortable lifestyle in it. Staging a vacant home helps you appeal to the 81% of home buyers who need to see furniture in a home to imagine the lifestyle afforded by it.
2. Staging Helps Buyers Emotionally Connect with the Home
Most buying decisions are made emotionally not logically. Staging your home will encourage buyers to stay in your home longer and will allow buyers to mentally move into your home. The longer they stay, the more of an emotional connection they will make which motivates them to buy, resulting in more chances of a sale.
3. Buyers’ Real Estate Agents Will Be More Likely to Show a Home That Is Staged
Agents know that a well showcased and a well staged home is more likely to sell. Why would they waste their time showing a property that shows poorly, does not offer a better lifestyle, and could be a time waster for them or for their clients? It’s the agent’s reputation on the line, specially for the selling agents. Either way, staging is an effective tool employed by real estate agents!
4. Staged Homes Can Create Multiple Offers
You are more likely to have a bidding war over your home if it is staged and showcased professionally, priced correctly and listed at the right time. It has been proven many times that home staging can increase the perceived value of a property. Giving you a better chance to land the best offer out there.
5. Staging Your Home Helps Eliminate Buyer Objections to Home’s Flaws
That busy highway or tiny yard will be less problematic as the buyer focuses on the exciting thought and possibilities of living in a beautiful home, and a better lifestyle your home represents. Whether it be location, the home’s lay out, or high maintenance fees, home staging can help buyers see past through these hurdles.
6. Staging Your Home Can Sell It More Quickly
As a seller, your home’s most advantageous time on the market is the first 30 days. After that, it starts to grow stale in the eyes of a buyer who will now try to offer you less because no one else wants it. According to a study done by the Real Estate Staging Association, homes staged prior to selling sold 79% faster than unstaged homes. Selling your home faster means you save on paying taxes, utility bills, association fees, and home owner’s insurance on a place you no longer want to call your home.
7. Staging Your Home Will Yield a Higher Return on Investment (ROI)
According to a survey done by the National Association of Realtors, an average staging investment of 1-3% of the listing price generates an 8-10% ROI.
When it comes to selling your home, don’t skimp and don’t give your buyers any reason to object to the price. Stay in the seller’s driving seat and realize why staging your home can help eliminate price negotiation.
Tamara Grant | Your Home Staging Expert
We are here to assist you in staging and merchandising your home for sale, call us today at (647) 891-3381 to book an appointment. We are serving Hamilton, Halton, Grimsby, Haldimand county and Peel regions
- See more at: www.DestinedDreams.ca